Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I hurt so much tonight...but in a weird way, I'm completely dissociated from it. My first clue that I was hurting enough to take notice of was when I slumped involuntarily from kneeling to sitting while watching a basketball game.

Speaking of which, no more watching basketball games. I'm upset because I have both male and female friends who play, and I had promised myself that I would see one girls' game and one boys' game. Today was the girls' game; I was really hoping to be able to watch the boys as well.

Why am I so frightened of this pain? OK. I spent large portions of the game curled up on the floor. When I got on the elevator after the game, I actually screamed. Walking out, I fell to my knees, and couldn't even sit because my body wouldn't move. People carried me back; at one point my hands slipped and I stopped holding on. I couldn't even eat dinner because the taste would have overpowered me. I forgot what I was doing while washing my hands in the bathroom. Oh, and at one point tonight, the spaces in between my toes were hurting. Spaces are not supposed to hurt; that's kind of why they're spaces.

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