Thursday, November 6, 2008

"As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free..."*

What would you die for? There are no answers, just a self-administerable quiz to make you think. I've been thinking about this recently. (Please be aware that not all of the self questions apply to me.) There are five categories, with five questions each. Those of you who, like me, want a scorin gsystem, that makes each question worth five points. Ten bonus points if you can answer the teaser at the end such that it stops driving you crazy.

1. Would you kill yourself if you knew you had to be in pain for the rest of your life?
2. Would you kill yourself if you knew the pain would eventually kill you, anyway?
3. Would you kill yourself if the Nazis were coming for you?
4. Would you kill yourself if you accidentally killed someone else?
5. Would you kill yourself if you murdered someone else?

1. Would you take a bullet for a friend? For a family member?
2. Would you throw yourself on a grenade/landmine for a friend? For a family member?
3. If your friend were in constant pain, and it woul dstop if you died, would you kill yourself? What about a family member?
4. Would you be willing to burn to death for a friend? For a family member?
5. Would you be willing to drown for a friend? For a family member?

1. Would you go to war, knowing you might be killed?
2. Would you undertake a dangerous spy mission only you could complete, knowing you would probably be caught and killed?
3. Would you undertake a (for the sake of argument, completely ethical) necessary suicide mission for your country?
4. Would you die under torture, rather than give up your country's secrets?
5. Would you take a bullet for the president?

1. Would you let yourself be killed, rather than "admit" your God is false?
2. Would you die rather than break one of the Ten Commandments?
3. Would you die rather than convert to another religion that worshipped the same God? (think Judaism to Christianity, or vice versa)
4. Would you undertake a (onc eagain, for the sake of argument, completely ethical) suicide mission for your religion?
5. Would you go to a warzone or other dangerous situation to minister to those of your religion who were cut off from leaders?

1. Would you die if it meant a cure for cancer?
2. Would you die if it meant there woul dnever be a war again?
3. Would you die if it meant starving children in third world/developing countries would suddenly start thriving?
4. Would you die if it meant an end to the underground slave trade?
5. Would you die if it meant animal testing would stop?

Assume it is right or moral or obligatory to die in order to stop a loved one's suffering. Assume it is right or moral or obligatory to love yourself. Are you obligated to commit suicide in order to stop your own suffering?

I scored a 45. Apparently I am the self-preserving type. Oh, and I can't figure out the teaser, either.

*A note about the title: This title is a line from "Battle Hymn of the Republic". I am aware that the song is a Christian hymn about the Second Coming. It is also the most powerfully beautiful song I have ever encountered, and has approximately fifteen lines that are good for blog titles.

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