Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Long and Painful Day

Today at school we had Israeli dance lessons in place of Hebrew classes. They were fun for approximately the first half. After that...painful. Long and painful. Then I went to physical therapy...painful. Long and painful. I did feel better for a little while after that, but now I am just Exhausted and Discouraged. Two more days until Spring break.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tentative Good News

I really think physical therapy may be helping! My moments of full body pain on the treadmill have decreased: yesterday they did not happen at all and today they were shorter and less intense! I hurt less than I used to at the end of each day, and after therapy I feel GOOD for about half an hour to an hour. Small steps...but we're getting there!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Just Venting

My feet have been hurting a lot today. I mean a lot. Really a lot. I have also been experiencing stabbing and/or pressing headaches in random places on my head today. Also, it is now possible for up to five body parts to hurt at once, each with a different sensation. Grrr...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Physical Therapy

Today I had my first physical therapy appointment. The therapist (who had watched an instructional DVD provided by Dr. Sherry beforehand) did an excellent job abbreivating the Dr. Sherry program for an hour. It was painful, and I am still hurting, but I think (hope?) that I can feel a difference in the type of pain, and that this is the type that will improve. Does that make sense? It's really too soon to tell, I know, but still...I have hope.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Open Mic Night

Last night here at school we had open mic night. People signed up (some in advance, some on the spot) to read poetry, sing, and tell stories. I laughed so hard I cried, I heard some great original works, and I even recited two poems: on eby Lord Byron ("She Walks in Beauty") and one by me ("Conveniently Forgotten," previously known as "Untitled.") Great fun!