Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Future of This Blog

Now that I know I can get better--all the way better!--my world is expanding daily with new possibilities for the future, some of which (rollerblading, my first job, driving) I had completely forgotten about. Along with all that comes the wrenchingly joyous process of dismantling my life as I currently know it.

The biggest question is what to do with this blog. Blogging started as a way for me to vent at times when my firends couldn't stand to hear about pain anymore but I needed a listening ear; now, it is one of my favorite hobbies and soemthing I look forward to each day. I will no longer be able to call the blog "A Normal Teenage Life, with Pain", because I will be pain-free; "Normal Teenage Life" doesn't quite sound right either, because the courage, strength, and patience I have gained over this past year are far from normal. I'm thinking of a title along the lines of "Life after Pain". Life will continue; and I will be free; but I suspect that past, present, and future pain may remain at the forefront of my thoughts for a long time to come.

So. If I can figure out how to retitle this blog, I will do that after treatment; otherwise, see you on my new blog (again, after treatment): "Life after Pain"!

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