Monday, November 3, 2008

Downward Spiral

In the hopes that I will be able to start on my homework after venting a little (we have an hour and 28 minutes lef to study hall, and counting down), I will describe my rather annoying daily "pain routine".

I seem to be caught in a downward spiral touched off by trying to take the PSATs with my feet dangling. (Those of you who like to take care of me, you can stop saying "I told you so;" lesson learned.)

Pain is exhausting in and of itself, and seems to linger now far into the night; I believe the quality of my sleep has been compromised. I wake up evrey morning in a fog of exhaustion that makes thinking and even moving difficult. This fog lasts until lunchtime-ish, and to add to the annoyance, it makes it difficult to proces spain properly, so I hav eissues judging where my limits are.

About half an hour after lunch (yay for delayed reaction), I am gradually slammed into an unbelievable amount of pain. Just to recap: my pain BURNS, as if my feet are being immersed in fire. That's a description of normal-bad. The kind I'm describing now feels like my feet are melting, or exploding, or being torn off and burned, or burning with out skin so the fire is directly licking flesh. This pain continues to climb until I come back from school, after which it slowly subsides.

By evening I am exhausted again, and it takes effort to get my work done.

If anybody who has daily contact with me is reading this, it would help tremendously if you stopped asking whether I was OK. I am never OK; if I look not OK, I am negative OK. OK? I absolutely appreciate you're concern, and I am happier than words can say to be loved so much by so many.

One hour and twenty minutes to go...homework time. (?)

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