Sunday, November 9, 2008

Closing Night

Tonight's performance was not as good as last night's. There were more mistakes, some of which were definitely noticeable to the audience. In order:

"Dani" and "Stuart" went to their places too soon. This was partly my fault; we weren't sure whether the lights were down or not, I didn't want them to be late (that happened at the dress rehearsal) and I told them to go--while the house lights were still partially up.

I was tense when I came on, both because of the previous screw-up and because it was the last night, as well as because the lighting was different and I could actually see the whole house. I didn't screw anything up, but my monologue wasn't as good.

"Dani" and "BJ" came out too early, which meant they had to come on too early, which meant they had to surpise "Lisa" by banging on the cube before she had a chance to sit down. She covered it, thank God...but I be tit looked awkward.

I came up the step too early, again.

"Muggy" dropped her line, "Everybody fails math," but Stuart still said his, "...and for your information, I got a B+ in trig." I am sure the audience was wondering how that connected too anything.

All that being said, I had a whole lot of fun tonight (I think I just hate opening night) and I'm very sorry that it's over. There had better be another play I can be in, soon!

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