Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thankful...and Prayer Request (not for me)

I honestly think I have the most beautiful life right now...most of the time. First of all, the number of times people have saved my life, knowingly or otherwise...well, I am not posting names here, but there are four of you, and I bet two of you know who you are.

I have the most wonderful full of creativity, richness, and joy. I sometimes feel like no one into whose life I step ever forgets I was there. My first and most powerfully lasting dream has come true...I genuinely make a difference in people's lives, just by being me.

I am pretty and smart and loving and creative and passionate and funny...and I finally know that, and these are all good things to be! People love me...I have so many friends...twelve friends...twelve real friends!!! My life is filled with creativity and wonder...I am usually working on one craft project, with two or three more in mind, while reading a book or two, while doing my homework, while finding time for friends! Well, OK, on a good day, or on break...not during most school weeks. Still, whenever I feel good enough, I have that wonderful life to go back to. Even on a bad day, I feel the love of my friends lifting me out of my sorrow, and I manage to keep up with my homework. Even on the worst days, I try to feel lucky and joyful...and sometimes I succeed.

I feel blessed!

Now, on a more somber note...please pray (if you pray) for the victims of Qassam rocket attacks in Israel, and their families. Six Qassam rockets hit as many towns just today. Please...if we all lift up our voices, maybe God will listen and stop this tragedy.

I believe in God.

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