Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oh, how I hurt...

(Note: I am a legitimately strong person who does not like to complain unless people ask how I am. This blog, however, is my safe spot to gripe as I like.)

Oh, how I hurt...I hurt, I hurt, I hurt! I fell five times today, and five times yesterday. My average used to be five falls in a week; at the moment it's five falls in a day. I burn day and night, on and on...last night I slept just deeply enough, between midnight and 4:45 in the morning, to be conscious of the fact that I was sleeping and aware of pretty much every time I rolled over. I lay completely awake for half an hour after that, until 5:15 in the morning, when the pain finally calmed down enough for me to get to sleep for real...until I had to get up for school at 6:30. To recap: I am running today on one hour of real sleep plus four and three quarters hours of dozing. That is not a decent amount of sleep.

And I hurt like all bloody hell.

I don't like to ask for prayers, but if you wouldn't mind, please pray that I will feel better soon, as well as praying that I will have the courage and strength to walk God's chosen path for me, not matter what it holds.

Also: 11 more rockets hit Israel today, affecting 1 million Israelis who live in range of rocket fire. Please pray for them as well.

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