Saturday, January 10, 2009

Check This Out!

I have been featured on another person's blog, with some very favorable comments. Finally, finally, my influence is affecting and inspiring others! Yay for dreams coming true! Go to and read the entry entitled "A Normal Teenage Life, With Pain." (By the way, I'm not sure how this happened but they got my birthday wrong: it's not until February.)

I feel like my soul has aged twenty years this week. It is very hard to get yourself out of bed and looking presentable in the morning, and back into bed at night, while going to school each day and handing in all but one homework asignmen ton time, while forcing yourself to eat because you're so hungry your stomach hurts but the effort to put food in your mouth just doesn't seem worth it, while making sure you're minding your manners....all in unbearable amounts of pain that cause you to collapse several times a day. To navigate the world that way requires a kind of maturity most adults have not had to employ. As a result of the last week, I am in some ways a child no longer: something young in me has died.

Now...that being said, I need some fun in my life. "Margaret" and "Jan" are sleeping over in my room tonight, and I will not talk about pain. This may not work, but I am going to try my absolut ehardest to teach my soul to be young again!

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