Monday, January 26, 2009

Important Videos

I know I've posted this one before, bu tthis is what my life is like on aday like today. (Yes, I do know I have RND, not RSD. The only--repeat ONLY--difference is appearance of the skin: RSD patients experience dramatic color/temperature changes and/or swelling in the affected area, while RND patients do not. The type and intensity of pain are exactly the same.

Also, the video that gets me through the tough times:


Betsy said...

Sarah, I'm sorry that you're continuing to have such a difficult time since I last saw you when school ended. I don't want you to feel like I'm stalking you, but I'm also a member of BYDLS, and I found your blog this morning that way. I keep up with all this stuff in the hopes that my experiences can help someone. I'm no longer an authority or a houseparent of any kind, so I just want to know: would you like to talk to somebody who has been through it all? Including a CHOP-type program? I suppose I can only hope that talking to someone who has been there will help both of us deal better (with your present and my past). I'm sure someone can give me permission to take you out to lunch or dinner one day, or just give us a spot to talk if you would like. No pressure though. I understand if you would rather not.
Take care,
Ms. Herman

Betsy said...

Oh, I signed it "Ms. Herman" so you would know who it is. I don't exactly expect to be called that. It's definitely Betsy now.

free_to_dream said...

Thanks, but no thanks.