Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Simchat Torah

OK, this Simchat Torah was just plain FUN! I have never seen ruach (spirit) like I saw it that night--I doubt even the Jewish Theological Seminary has better than that. People danced with so much joy; a couple of times, they even gave me the Torah and danced around me!
Then this morning I went over to the local Conservative synagogue, and that was nice in a different way. I got to see a synagogue Simchat Torah as it's meant to be, with children as our future and pure rejoicing in the Torah. That service did make me more sad than the one on campus, because it reminded me of my own childhood Simchat Torahs, when I could still dance; I don't have those associations with Simchat Torah the way it's done on campus. Also, people at the synagogue were extra-sugary-sweet-nice to me because I'm disabled. I hate that; I can always tell, and it irks me. At a certain point it's like, "So, I'm hurting. What else is new? Next topic!" Still, all in all I had a truly excellent holiday.
Oh, and a picture from the Sukkot Fair:

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