Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I felt horrible Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I was practically bedridden except for the FMC's (Four Mandatory Categories: Food, Hygiene, Religion, School). That, for the record, means nothing fun outside my room. At. All. No hanging out with friends. No recreatoinal walks. A girl can get claustrophobic spending four days in her room! And to top it all off, I did it alone because my friend "Margeret" was at home for the week, and my other two good friends both had sisters visiting, on the same weekend.

Yesterday was the first day I felt good enough to voluntarily leave my room, and today was the first day I felt good enough to venture beyond a picnic table situated pretty much right outside my dorm. So, of course, I had to go on a walk...stupid. Stupid. Stupid. My problem was, I had sort of "plateau'ed" and my pain was not increasing, no matter what I I took too long a walk, and now my pain is climbing, and tomorrow will be even worse, and I am scared of how bad I will inevitably feel...and I am an idiot.

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