Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So Happy

It is so nice to be feeling good enough to:

1. Shower standing up.
2. Brush my teeth standing up.
3. Get dressed standing up.
4. Get all my homework done, to a standard I find satisfactory if I have time at all.
5. Pay attention in class.
6. Smile, laugh, and realize how lucky I am.

I never realized how many daily tasks I had mechanized down to military-type, choreographed routines in order to save myself as much pain as possible. And this is just in a naturally good phase (though I'm still often in more pain than most people have ever had to deal with for any length of time); imagine how much my life will expand when I'm well again!

I woke up this morning at 4:31, quivering all over with excitement. I didn't understand why; nothing particularly interesting has been planned for today. As I lay in the darkness, I realized, "Oh, yeah...I used to get excited like this, just at the thought of greeting the day."

So nice to be feeling better!

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