Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Need Sleep

I. Need. Sleep.

As in NEED. As in NOW.

I want to wake up in the morning feeling rested rather than as if I hadn't slept at all. I want to be able to better control my emotional reactions, which I can only do when I am well-rested. I want the dark circles under my eyes to disappear instead of getting darker and darker as my face gets paler. I want to feel better again.

Hey God: Decent sleep, please.

Six more days until physical therapy.

1 comment:

Ian Hammer said...

You are not alone. There are many people who feel tired all the time. Thhe most common reason is insufficient and / or poor quality sleep. The problem is that people don't know so much about sleep. I can suggest a new website ( that has worked with leading scientists to put together a sleep test and sleep trianing programme. Give it a go.