Sunday, March 6, 2011

I Have Crossed the Threshold...

...into overnight pain. Not bad, and I don't think I can feel it when I sleep, but definitely there. I woke up several times last night and could feel the pain (just a little) each time.

I am already hurting as badly as I do after PT, and I haven't done it yet today. I'm scared of exercising. Of course I'll do it anyway, though.

I miss "John", who's home for the weekend (we are having a long weekend in between trimesters), and "Elijah", a day student. I have a new friend, "Michael", whom I could probably email, but I don't feel as if I've known him long enough to trust him like that yet. In short, I feel alone today...and lonely.

I have, however, gotten active on the message boards of "" again. It is a great comfort to be among others with chronic illnesses/conditions, even if only online.


Clojio said...

Hi Sarah

I'm sorry to hear you continue to get worse.
The offer is still open for you to email me for a chat - I know it's not the same as actually being there though.

Have you had any correspondence with your doctors?

What's your handle over at I'm fairly active over there too.

Hugs. x

free_to_dream said...

Hi Clojio,

I have an appointment with my doctor on March 21. My handle at BYDLS is free_to_dream. What's yours?

Clojio said...

Ah - I've seen your name over the last couple of days. I'm there as Gravity. x